The Art of Cultural Workers


The Art of Cultural Workers 〰️



(to Foster Freedom)

is an ever-expanding platform for transformation.


Our mission at F.I.E.L.D. is to create space for learning, healing and transformation by being of service for individuals, organizations and businesses who have a desire to raise our social awareness in order to co-create informed, direct and intentional action towards a restorative process.

We provide strategic consulting services, course facilitation and community care offerings.

Our community care offerings include Embodied Awareness Sessions that utilize various modalities of healing, therapeutic practices and collective gatherings.


F.I.E.L.D. stands for

Freedom, Inclusion, Equity, Love and Diversity. 

Within our Social Awareness Sessions, we identify white supremacy, colonization and uncover our honest histories, along with ‘white’ and modern culture and individualism. During which we uncover personal narratives that place us on the intersections of race, sex, gender, ethnicity, abilities, socio-economic status and personal upbringings. Through beginning your anti-racism and decolonization process of transformation, we will discover your unique position and qualities that will contribute towards the collective evolution.


Our approach

integrates the being within the process of decolonization, community engagement and personal transformation.

Our holistic view

integrates the entirety of ourselves as a conscious, emotional and physical beings. We consider the power our environments, conditioning and emotions may have over our lives. Therefore, we are a reminder of self empowerment and here to make honest and conscious actions.

Envision a long-term partnership,

where we can go deeper into lasting change. We work with individuals and teams to develop work culture experience and customized strategies.

We want real people,

whether that includes hard work, good intentions and implicit biases ready to be discovered and acknowledged.

“My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.” - Thich Nhat Hanh 


Our Principles

are centered around Community, Care, and Consciousness.

Community is the larger perspective and we each have a critical part in it.


is our collective power, on its best note its swift action in unity, when fogged its an illusionary solitude. Community can be locational and virtual and it defines our support system, our approximate and extended collaborators in this life. Community is our peers, chosen family, contemporaries, geographical and virtual neighbors.

We were all indigenous to our Mother Earth but most of us have lost touch with the spirit of this world and connection with the land. We are part of something much larger than ourselves. Community is the larger perspective and we each have a critical part in it.



is living in a present state of mind that has awareness over its situational surroundings, emotions, bodily sensations and thoughts. Consciousness is what makes us, this universe and the source of our reality. And the reality is that we need more spaces of pause, reflection, and un/re-learning that bring us to restorative and regenerative practices and actions.



for one another and the wellness of each individual, including yourself. This is a service of love and purpose. A community must support and care for one another for the well being of All. This new decade has brought wellness and care, especially self-care to the forefront of the social movements.

We are standing on the shoulders of self-sacrificing revolutionaries and have discovered how to build on their foundations by caring for our minds, bodies and spirits. Care is an radical act away from systems of oppression. By centering care in our practices and relationships we can see each others value, specific needs and desires.

The reality is that we need more spaces of pause, reflection, and un/re-learning that bring us to restorative and regenerative practices and actions.


About the Founder and Facilitator


Ariel C Foster’s journey of navigating socially constructed race began as most things, in their childhood. Their culturally diverse upbringing and background is a deep honor and privilege. It has been one of the most lasting and significant early impressions on their life that has led them to becoming an Inclusion Strategist and facilitator.

Ariel is a Brazilian-American cultural worker based in the Baltimore-D.C region with a Bachelor’s in Studio Art and Arts Administration. Their career as a facilitator began as an Urban Arts Leadership (UAL) Fellow ‘19 in Baltimore, MD, where she was introduced to Kibibi Ajanku, the director of UAL and Avis L. Ransom (Rest In Peace&Power Dec. 1950-July 2020), founder, senior consultant and advisory board member of Baltimore Racial Justice Action (BRJA). With Avis and workshops with BRJA was how Ariel was introduced to anti-racism and transformation processes.

As a UAL Fellow, Ariel worked as an Inclusion Consultant for Baltimore Clayworks (BCW). Upon graduating from the cohort, they joined the staff at BCW as an Inclusion Strategist and Co-Chair of the Diversity, Equity, Access and Inclusion (DEAI) board committee.

Ariel has consulted and facilitated for other east coast companies including Twenty2 and Baltimore Center Stage. In 2023, Ariel completed her certification for the therapeutic practices of Amanae and Frequencies of Brilliance that are powerful healing modalities to address what modern culture has suppressed; mental health, emotional intelligence, energetic body and connection with our spirit within.

Thank you.