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Inertia Studio Visits

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Brasilia, Brazil, the capital and planned city in the middle of the country. My family in Brazil is originally from Goias, a semi dry savanna that was there before the city was built. The land in Goias is rich with trails, rivers, canyons and waterfalls. Feeling very connected to this land – nature has a big influence on my work as well as the feeling of wanting to connect to my roots to the land and it’s indigenous culture and customs. I feel like thats what my work is rooted in – how people connect with nature. I do feel at home when there are plants around or I’m outside walking in the woods. I moved to Maryland in 1996 and have been here ever since. …


Baltimore Youth Arts

On July 23, 2019, Ariel Foster, a multidisciplinary artist running The Parlour on St. Paul, visited our Mixed Media Team at the BYA Studio. During her day here, she taught the team linoleum block printing her way. Typically, a printing press is needed in order to transfer the design from the linoleum block to the material being printed on, but Ariel prefers to use stepping and dancing instead. Her Ritmo Studio project uses the body, i.e. dancing, as an element in the printing process - which is exactly what she had our young people do! …

Group Exhibition

Group Exhibition


Silber will host Foliaform, a group exhibition that explores humans’ relationship with plants. The work approaches the subject from multiple perspectives, presenting this exchange as exploitative, curated, synthetic, immersive, or an attempt to tame or manicure something innately wild. Featured artists include Ariel C. Foster ’15, Erick Antonio Benitez, Marissa Fein, James Williams, Adrienne Elise Tarver, and Lisa Dillin. …