
Raw Power (Detail)

Hidden & Unseen Install View


Hidden & Unseen is a collaborative installation by Ariel Cavalcante Foster & Erick Antonio Benitez, included in the exhibition Foliaform curated by Alex Ebstein at the Silber Gallery at Goucher College.

Curatorial Statement: Foliaform, a group exhibition inspired by the Plant•sa•tion exhibition explores humans’ relationship with plants. The work approaches the subject from multiple perspectives, presenting this exchange as exploitative, curated, synthetic, immersive or an attempt to tame or manicure something innately wild. The artists grapple with the intersections between human identity, culture, and the natural world, as well as the effects of rapid technological advancement on individuals. Many of the pieces comment on human want for contact with nature, and the contradicting desire to construct a “natural environment” to interact with on humans’ own terms. Behind the work exists the unseen close physical interaction between artist and material, which contributes to a feeling of intimacy with the viewer.

Multimedia Installation : Projection mapping on suspended linocut printed fabric, sound, found tree log and branches, clay, dried flowers and leaves, gel screens, and theater assorted lights.

Dimension vary according to space

*Hidden and Unseen is collaborative installation derived from Plant•sa•tion, work created by Ariel Cavalcante Foster and Erick Antonio Benitez
